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Mount AFP volumes from the terminal | 13 comments | Create New Account
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apple implemented a mount script called 'mount_afp' located in /sbin. sadly they got no man-page for it, so i cannot imagine what they mean with -o [option]...

mount_afs, mount_nfs, mount_ufs, etc. come from the BSD world. mount(1) is just a wrapper that calls one of these based on how you've set the '-t' flag. It's there for conveinence's sake.


AutomountMaker 1.4.7 Easily mount your shared folders. SplitBrowser 0.6.2 WebKit-based browser with multiple pages on single window and fullscreen support (HTML, PDF, PNG, JPEG.). AutomountMaker is designed to help you eliminate repetitive actions when mounting network volumes: the app creates scripts that you can run with a mouse click or include in the list of login items.


mount_afp is a program launched by mount when specified witht the afp type. I'd suppose the options are the same as the mount options (for example, read-only access, etc.). From the man page for mount:
If the type is not one of the internally known types, mount will
attempt to execute a program in /sbin/mount_XXX where XXX is re-
placed by the type name. For example, nfs filesystems are mount-
ed by the program /sbin/mount_nfs.

You can use AutomountMaker

mount_afs, mount_nfs, mount_ufs, etc. come from the BSD world. mount(1) is just a wrapper that calls one of these based on how you've set the '-t' flag. It's there for conveinence's sake.

This is a GREAT tip. The only problem I'm having with it is that it doesn't seem to allow the finder to 'see' the volumes. I have tried messing with the privleges and owner using chown and chmod, but nothing seems to allow me to view the file server in the finder and have it show up like a server would if I mounted it through the finder. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen? I've tried various combinations of chown and chmod, but to no avail.

Run 'disktool -r' after mounting the AFP volume. This causes the Disk Arbitration system
to refresh its volume list, which then causes the Finder to update.

Thanks to Xil for the missing piece!!! now I have a little script that rudimentarily allows me to mount my local server. Theoretically, this could be put in Startup items and run automatically, though I'm planning on adding some checking to make sure that the server is not already mounted. (Right now its blind setup and will give errors). At any rate, I thought I'd pass it on to anyone who might be interested. Basically, this is a perl script that can be created by naming it according to the server you attach to (mine is called 'homemount' .) So, copy the following, then go to the unix command line, type pico homemount, do a paste, change the variables appropriately, save and quit, do a 'chmod +x homemount' , and you should be able to load that server with one command. (since it is a bad idea to hard code your server password in, the program prompts you for that)
I'll repost later when I get around to adding in all the checking that probably should be here, but if anyone else wants to do it, I'd be grateful.
script follows
#!/usr/bin/env perl
##script mounts server volumes
##all variables are right now defined statically, except server password
##which is passed as argument
##from unix command line
## _serverpassword_
system ('sudo mkdir $local_mount_point');
system ('sudo chown $local_user:$local_group $local_mount_point');
system ('chmod +rwx $local_mount_point');
system ('sudo mount -t afp afp://$server_user:$server_pass@$server_ip/$server_volume $local_mount_point');
system ('disktool -r');

To add to this great hint, the above examples mount the remote volume as root, and as available to everyone.
Note that you don't have to do it this way.
For example, you could mount a remote volume that'd be only accessible by yourself.
here's how to do this with a directory called disk that's at the root of your home directory.
mkdir disk
mount -t afp afp://user:pass@ip.adress.server/volume_to_mount ~/disk
see how there is no sudo involved in the mount command.
Here, I get a few kextload warnings, but don't mind them.
PS the non-accessibility of ~/disk depends on the permission you've set to your home directory ;-)

I have an airport network at home and I want to mount each other's disks on each computer so I can have the webserver on one dole out images from my pictures directory stored on the other computer. I found your tip and figured I'd found the solution. However, I got an error. The following is edited for privacy: Note, I get a different error depending on how I enter my password. I've mounted nfs volumes successfully on a different computer at work and never ran into this problem. Any ideas?
Thanks, Rob

I tested this hint to mount AFP Volumes of OS9 Mac via terminal:
% cd ~
% mkdir ~/afptemp
% mount_afp -i afp:// ~/afptemp
at the promt type password, no password type enter; then:
% cd ~/afptemp
% ls
you can see the files of Volume_name, to unmount:
% cd ..
% umount ~/afptemp
Attention: ~/afptemp will be deteted.
% mount_afp afp://pippo@ ~/afptemp
where 'at_name' can be found with atlookup command:
% atlookup
ff94.f9.30 pippo:Multi-User Client
ff94.f9.04 pippo:Workstation
ff94.f9.04 pippo:ShareWayIP
ff94.f9.f8 pippo:AFPServer

One can mount into a user writable folder (like home folder) this way, sudo command (and password typing) is not necessary and it's easier to script ( => it's not interactive)

I can't get any of this to work. It looks like it works (I don't get any errors or anything), but nothing shows up. No connections. :-(



Easily mount your shared folders.


Due to new bundle app ID the auto update mechanism will can fail. When it happens please delete the old version manually and download the current version.

I'm sorry for this trouble.

AutomounMaker is an easy to use macOS tool to create scripts that will mount an AFP, FTP, WebDAV(http), NFS or SMB network share.

You can use the script as a Startup Item in your user's session config to automatically mount the given share upon login.
If you use always the same shared volume on your desktop, AutomountMaker is more easy than the classic Connect to Server... proposed by Apple.

  • system: macOS
  • system version min: macOS High Sierra 10.13.x
  • system version max: macOS Big Sur 11.x


[Q]: Can I mount my favorite volume with delay?
Yes it's possible since 1.3.0 version. Open your script file, click on Options pane and fill the first field to set the delay to mount your volume.
[Q]: Do I have the last version of this software?
Select Check for Updates... into AutomountMaker menu to verify if you have the last version installed.
[Q]: Can I use reserved chars on my password?
Yes, you can use special chars into your password. But you can't both use SMB domain name and reserved chars.
[Q]: How to use old AutomountMaker script?
Please read the AutomountMaker Help.
[Q]: I want to see my password...
Open Preferences and choose Show login password.

Tips And Trick

Learn more about hidden options...

AutomountMaker offers you hidden options:


Quit the application without checking the mounted volumes.

You can enable this option by entering the following command in Terminal: defaults write net.xylobox.AutomountMaker ControllerDictKey:QuitEvenNoMountedVolume YES

To revert to the original settings: defaults delete net.xylobox.AutomountMaker ControllerDictKey:QuitEvenNoMountedVolume

ControllerDictKey: HideMenubar

Hidd the menubar when AutomountMaker is launched.

You can enable this option by entering the following command in Terminal: defaults write net.xylobox.AutomountMaker ControllerDictKey: HideMenubar YES

To revert to the original settings: defaults delete net.xylobox.AutomountMaker ControllerDictKey: HideMenubar

How to remove 'quarantine' message?

xattr -l 0000;4d023750;Firefox;|org.mozilla.firefox xattr -dv xattr -l

How to launch AutomountMaker script files at startup...
  • Open 'System Preferences',
  • Click 'Users & Groups',
  • Click 'Login Items',
  • Drag your favorite AutomountMaker script file on it.


Let's got to create your fist AutomountMaker script with SMB protocol
  • Choose SMB protocol.
  • Fill host name or IP address,
  • Fill share point,
  • Fill domain or workgroup if necessary,
  • Fill name and password.

Automounter Macos

And save your first AutomountMaker script with Appli Now button

FTP sample configuration

A sample script for FTP connect to Debian server with an anonymous account.

Automounter Helper App

Sample protected script file with MAC Address

If you want to open a protected script, a shield is displayed on the top right of the window.

This type of script can be launched only with the computer who made it. So if you try to execute it, an error is created into the log and the volume will not mount.

Show security with protected script file

You can't disable protected script if the script has been made with another computer and if option Activate protection of script by MAC address is enabled into Options pane.

This is the General preferences window

When mounting your shared volume failed, you can :

  • Do nothing,
  • Display alert message,
  • Open the log window,
  • Push notification into the Notification Center.

Automounter Backblaze

Log file

Log window can help you to find error when you try to mount a shared volume.

All AutomountMaker's logs are created under ~/Library/Logs/AutomountMaker

Automount Maker Mac

Reveal your script file configuration with Quicklook

Since v1.4 quicklook is available.

Apple's Quick Look feature in OS X is a convenient way to preview a AutomountMaker script without needing to launch application to do so. Just select your script file and press the spacebar.