Sophos Utm Ipv6

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I found an issue with Sophos where I was unable to ping from my local network to a public IPv6 address even with the firewall rules in place to allow ICMPv6. The issue is when you enable NAT it enables for both IPv4 and IPv6. You need to create a NAT rule that ensures NAT will not apply to IPv6 and the issue will be resolved.

Known to apply to the following Sophos product(s) and version(s) Sophos UTM What To Do. To check your IPv6 setup via ping you have to use the ping6 command: ping6 (one of the hosts which work on IPv6). To trace the traffic via tcpdump use: tcpdump -nv -i eth1 proto 58 (58 is the protocol number for ICMP IPv6) Example output. Sophos utm do not work currently for ipv6 properly right now. Check out the old and it will send you to the current forums. There are multiple threads on the subject. You can get the cable modem to lease the IP and set up DHCP but then the utm messes up the gateway info. Your Router in front of the sophos needs to support IPv6 prefix delegation, otherwise your IPv6 Subnets won't/can't be routed. The reason it works with masquarading is that the sophos is using its own WAN Ipv6 for the internal clients.

You really shouldn’t have to use NAT with IPv6 given the amount of IP Addresses available. Comcast for instance was giving me my own /64 block. Which is 2^64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 total addresses but that isn’t counting the network ID and subnet mask so really it’s 18,446,744,073,709,551,614 addresses for my own use. Why use NAT at that point?

You can view my post on the Sophos Community Forums HERE

You can specify settings for the quarantine digest, an email sent to users that lists their quarantined emails. You can release emails from quarantine digest directly from the user portal.


Sophos Utm Ipv6 Pppoe

Quarantine digest lists all emails that are identified as spam and quarantined by the Sophos Firewall anti-spam engine. Sophos Firewall emails the quarantine digest to all users as per the configured frequency (hourly, daily, or weekly). From the digest, users can sort through the quarantined emails.

The quarantine digest contains the date and time of email receipt, sender and recipient email addresses, and the email subject.

Note The quarantine digest is available only in Sophos Firewall XG 105, Cyberoam CR25iNG, Sophos UTM SG105, and higher models.

Sophos Utm Ipv6 Ip

How to configure quarantine digest

Note Follow these steps for MTA and legacy mode. In legacy mode, the following options are not available: Quarantine area and Skip quarantine reports.

Sophos Utm Ipv6 Download

To configure quarantine digest, do as follows:


Sophos Utm Ipv6 Support

  1. Go to Administration > Notification settings
  2. Select the email server type. In this example, you select Built-in email server.
  3. Specify the following details: From email address and Send notifications to email address.

    The following image shows example notification settings:

  4. Go to Email > Quarantine settings.
  5. Specify quarantine settings as follows:

    Enable quarantine digest

    Select to create a quarantine digest for users.

    Email frequency

    Frequency, time, and day when the digest is emailed.

    From email address

    Address from which to send the email.

    Display name

    Sender's name for the digest.

    Release link settings

    Select the IP address or hostname to use in the release links sent in the quarantine digest email. Users can select the links to release individual emails.

    Alternatively, they can select My account in their digest to manage their quarantined emails.

    Reference user portal IP: The IP address of the selected port is used in the release links.Users who belong to the port's network can use these links.

    Other users can access the user portal, using https://<IP address of Sophos Firewall> and manage their quarantined emails.

    User interaction setting: The option selected in Administration > Admin settings > Admin console and end-user interaction is used in the release links.

    You can select the firewall hostname, the IP address of the first internal interface that you specify, or a custom hostname.

    You must specify the user portal port after the IP address.


    IP address of the port or first internal interface:

    User portal port: 3311

    Release link:

    Firewall or custom hostname: myfirewall

    Release link: https://myfirewall:3311/webconsole/Controller?mode=458

    Send test email

    Test email to verify the quarantine digest report.

    The following image shows the default quarantine settings:

  6. Quarantine area: Specify the size of the quarantine area. Select a disk size. A disk usage check runs every five minutes and deletes older emails, lowering usage from 90 percent and above to 60 percent of the specified size.
  7. Skip quarantine reports: Under Skip address patterns, add email addresses whose quarantined emails you want to exclude from the quarantine digest. For example, you can add the alias email address to exclude its quarantined emails from the quarantine digest sent to users who are part of the alias.
  8. Change user's quarantine digest settings: Select to apply the digest settings to specific users and groups. Select the users and select Apply. To apply the settings to a group, filter by group.