Firefox Esr 52 Mac

Firefox 52 ESR Installation Instructions for Mac Users

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Checking your release:


Not sure if you have Firefox ESR?

Firefox 52 Esr Portable Mac

Look at Update Channel for ESR inFirefox's instructions for checking your version.



  1. Quit Firefox.
  2. Use Spotlight, Finder or Go > Applications to find the Firefox application. Drag it to the Trash Bin.
  3. Use Go > Connect to Server to connect to smb://academicstore/software/facstaffstudents/firefox/Mac
  4. Copy the file in this folder and save it to your desktop.
  5. Double-click the Firefox file on your desktop and install Firefox.
  6. If you're asked, 'Firefox is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?', click 'Open'.
  7. You should now be able to use the newly-installed version of Firefox.
  8. Remember that you need to be logged into Wellesley Secure in order to use Banner ERP.

    Please call the Help Desk at x3333 if you've followed these steps but still can't use Banner ERP.

Firefox 52 Esr 64 Bit

Firefox Esr 52 Mac

Mozilla Firefox 52 Esr Mac

  1. Firefox 52.1.0 ESR was a old version from April 19, 2017. The 52.9.0 ESR was the last for the legacy Firefox 52 ESR and is now End Of Life or EOL as of Sept 5 when Firefox 62.0 and 60.2.0esr were Released. There will be no more security and allowed stability updates for Firefox 52.0 ESR.
  2. Index of /pub/firefox/releases/52.0.1/ Type Name Size Last Modified; Dir. Dir: linux-i686/ Dir: linux-x8664-EME-free/ Dir.