CompactImage lets you shrink SparseImage and ImageBundle files-which expand during usage-to the size they actually need to be. You may want to check out more Mac applications, such as NoLimits Pack Extractor, Secret Missions - Mata Hari and the Kaiser's Submarines or Emicsoft MPEG Converter for Mac, which might be similar to CompactImage. Compress JPEG images and photos for displaying on web pages, sharing on social networks or sending by email.
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Wiki HomeCreate Boot Image Compact image to make it smaller size
Compact image to make it smaller size
2019/02/28 14:47
Seek Thermal Compact Imager For Ios-
In new version CCBoot 20180319 or higher, we have added function to compact the image in the CCBoot Server.
Simply, right click the image and click 'Compact Image' and after few minutes the image will be smaller in size and occupy less space in your hard disk or SSD (Figure 1).
Compat Image
Figure 1
Compact Image Guidance System
Note: Before you try to compact the image, please make sure it does not have any recovery points. If it has any recovery points, then merge all the recovery points first.